6 Tips for Staying Active This Winter

With people spending more time at home, it can seem rather difficult to stay active this winter. It can be very tempting to curl up in front of the fireplace and wait for spring to arrive. However, if you decide to do that, you may notice you put on some extra weight, lose muscle mass, and could potentially increase your risks of muscle strains, sprains, backaches, and more.


Being active in winter is very easy to do. Most people do not even think about all the things they can do indoors at this time of year. Instead of waiting for spring to arrive, start your spring cleaning now. Cleaning is a great way to move around, get some exercise, and tidy up the house.

Aside from cleaning, other great ways to remain active this winter include:

#1: Walk up and down the stairs in your home. If you have stairs, spend about 30 minutes walking up and down them. This is a great exercise that helps strengthen the legs and lower back. If you live in an apartment or condo, you can walk up and down the stairs between the floors instead.

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6 Benefits of Physiotherapy After a Car Accident

Car accidents in the GTA occur every single day. Whether you are involved in a minor car accident, rear-ended, or a more serious accident, physiotherapy treatments can be beneficial in promoting healing and recovery.


One common car accident injury many people sustain is called whiplash. This condition is where there is pain in the shoulders, neck, and head. It can make it difficult to turn your head and cause other problems, such as headaches and dizziness.

Another concern with car accidents is injuries do not always present themselves immediately. It could be days, weeks, or even months before you notice pain and discomfort. Furthermore, not seeking treatment for car accident injuries could result in long-term pain and mobility issues.

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What is the Reason for Sore Muscles and How to Solve the Problem

Running is a physical activity that has multiple positive effects on a person. You are familiar with the impact of running on health. As for the difficulties that can be caused by running, the most common are injuries that mainly occur as a result of a large number of recurrences of stress suffered by joints, muscles and tendons. Get the best physiotherapy treatment in brampton today.

The fact is that it is best to see a doctor when you have an injury, but you can also learn some basic things from the experiences of other runners. 


Muscle aches

Muscle pain is best treated at rest. It is generally not necessary to use preparations, but there are also those that can be helpful. Why do we have muscle pain? The most common causes of muscle pain are: Accumulation of lactic acid, which is difficult for the muscles to excrete. Lactic acid is a byproduct of metabolism. 

Microfracture of individual muscle fibers that represent physical muscle damage. How do I get rid of muscle pain? 

Both symptoms are resolved at rest, with the difference that in the case of accumulation of lactic acid, it is good to do a massage, while in the case of microfiber fibers, it should be skipped. Ice, cooling creams or gels help in both of these cases. Ice is used to speed up blood circulation in the muscles, which removes all the by-products of metabolism that have no place in the muscles. 

You should reduce the intensity of training during and after recovery at the beginning, and then gradually increase it again. If the muscle inflammation is mild, you don't even have to pause, you can continue training without changing your routine. Intense muscle inflammation occurs when you overdo it with training and feel pain even at rest. Microfractures occur after more intense or long workouts. 

What are tendons? 

Tendons are the ends by which a muscle binds to bones, and ligaments are the connecting elements between bones. Since the tendons are not as circulating as the muscle itself, the mechanism of removal of harmful products is somewhat slower than in the muscles, which makes the tendons more difficult to heal. Recovery is slower and tendon injury can recur more easily. 

Better blood supply to the damaged tissue contributes to recovery. The body recovers best by bringing oxygen and blood full of nutrients to the part you are healing. In addition, the blood removes various by-products, so the body regenerates faster. Some tissues do not have blood vessels, such as cartilage, so these injuries cannot be healed in this way. The best combination is ice on ​​a sore muscle, and after a few minutes, apply one of the creams that have a warming effect. Experience with creams of this type is that their effect is minimal or non-existent if it is not combined with ice. 

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Why Physiotherapy Is Beneficial for Treating Various Medical Conditions

Physiotherapy uses a combination of physical therapy, exercises, and hands-on manipulation to help naturally treat a wide range of medical conditions. A customized treatment program is created based on the needs of the individual and their overall goals and objectives. The treatments can be adjusted and modified as conditions improve and the body becomes stronger.


Some of the medical conditions that can be treated using physiotherapy include:

  • Accidents and Injuries – Any type of accident or injury one experiences, whether it is from an auto accident, workplace accident, or sports injury, can benefit from physiotherapy. Treatments focus on recovery to the injured areas of the body, as well as rebuilding muscles and strength to avoid future injuries.
  • An Alternative to Surgery – Some people benefit from physiotherapy in place of surgery. Certain conditions can be treated so the patient recovers, all without having to undergo surgery. Keep in mind, that in extreme cases, surgery may still be required. However, physiotherapy also provides the added benefit of faster recovery post-operatively.

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Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused for a variety of reasons. When the pain strikes it can be rather noticeable and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are viable non-surgical treatment options available with chiropractic carephysiotherapy, and massage therapy.


Cause #1: Muscle and Ligament Sprains and Strains

The top cause of lower back pain is when muscles and ligaments are sprained and strained. This type of injury typically occurs when you improperly lift a heavy object or turn in such a manner that causes the muscles or ligaments to be stretched too far and become damaged.

How To Stay Safe & Keep Busy During These Uncertain Times

It is important to stay safe and keep your mind busy to remain healthy. Worrying about the COVID-19 crisis can create unwanted stress and anxiety. In turn, this can cause muscle tension, soreness, and other physical discomforts.


One effective way to release stress and anxiety is through exercise. There are several ways you can exercise safely at home without the need of any special equipment or free weights. The only equipment you may want is a set of resistance bands. Obtaining those can be easy by simply asking your chiropractor or physical therapist in Brampton for a set.


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8 Advantages of Regular Chiropractic Care & Treatments

Most people seek chiropractic care and treatments as an alternative option for treating injuries such as back pain, sprain, muscle strain, and so on. After their initial care and treatment are over, it does not mean one should discontinue regular chiropractic care and treatments.




There are several advantages of continuing care and treatments including:

  1. It can help reduce future injuries. One of the objectives of chiropractic care is to not only help the body heal naturally but also help the body become stronger. By following your treatment plan, you will find you are less prone to injuries, like the one that caused you to see a chiropractor in the first place.
  2. It can help strengthen the immune system. When the body and systems are in harmony and aligned correctly, everything functions more effectively and efficiently. This includes the immune system. You will discover because you are stronger, your body is more resilient at fighting off the cold, the flu, and other illnesses.

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